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Deptford Township average salary is 33 percent higher tha?

32 (75th percentile) in New Jersey. Not all fields need to be filled out Average government employee salary in NJ is $71,880 and median salary is $67,984. Number of employees at Morris County in year 2023 was 1,419. Average government employee salary in NJ is $71,661 and median salary is $67,820. For example, search for teacher salaries in your city by school name or teacher name. highlyfashioned Look up NJ public employee salaries by name or employer, using form below. NJ Public Employee Salaries. Salary Schedule Lookup. A list of New Jersey State Employees salaries by year, agency and employee. afp pension update online This dataset contains data for State employees paid through the Centralized Payroll System. New Jersey Public Employee Salaries Snapshot This database compiles salary information in New Jersey. $328,142: Robert Geisler, Chief of Police at Bayonne Police Department Need Help With a Term? Transparency Center - YourMoneyGov, the data and analytical tools on this site will help taxpayers better understand public finances, make government more accountable. 4 percent higher than other states. The average employee salary for the State of New Jersey in 2023 was $79,7772 percent higher than the national average for government employees and 15. happy ending spots New Jersey Public Employee Salaries Snapshot. ….

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